Wednesday, February 2, 2011

So, someone tagged my house last night.  As we were leaving for breakfast, my wife gasped and pointed out the vandalism.

Our fence has been tagged before, but never the house itself.  Giant orange and black... squiggles.  All over the side of the thing.

...Which, of course, just makes me want to figure out which gang sports those colors so I can track them down and ask them to at least make a little effort with their vandalism, maybe drive them down to Chicano Park, show them this fascinating book about the history of graffiti... seriously, if you've got it in your head to mark up someone's house, at least try to not come across as an epileptic octopus.  Make it inventive and visually interesting to look at.

Oh, and tag someone else's house next time.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe. Seriously, though, sorry it happened. :/ People are idiots.
