Monday, February 7, 2011

Jackass doesn't deserve to have a dog.

Do you see this adorbale Corgi? His name is Corky.
I found him tied up in the blistering sunlight outside the library this morning.
He had no water and he was going crazy trying to get away from the leash you tied him to.

You're very lucky I didn't call the sherrif's department.  Heck, you're lucky the library's manager put out a call over the PA system for you to come get Corky; if she had waited a few more seconds to take action I would have called the sherrif's department... which, incidentally, was right across the street from the library.

Next time you get it in your head to abuse an animal, remember that there are those of us out there that won't put up with that crap and will have your dog taken away from you so you can't abuse him any more.



  1. YOU TELL 'EM, BABE! Thank you for taking care of him and giving him some water. You have a good heart for animals <3 Maybe you should've thrown him in the car and brought him home to us!

  2. The thought did cross my mind, but Corgis are among the smartest of all dog breeds and I didn't want to cause him further trauma by separating him from his owner, no matter how insensitive that owner might have been.
    If the sherrif's department took him away, that's one thing, but me kidnapping him is something else entirely.

  3. I hate people like that. We were at the gas station a few weeks ago and some idiot mother left her baby in the car while she went inside. She was in there probably ten minutes (she came out shortly after I went in looking for her). Made me furious. Sometimes I wish people had to take an intelligence test to procreate or get an animal.
